Digital Marketing Certification, Astrolabs, 2021
BSC Creative Advertising. American university city in Dubai. 2005
Brand experience specialist, serial entrepreneur, parent
Founder Creos Consulting 2012, brand management for Samsung
Mobile, Gargash Mercedes Benz, Bath and Works
Head of growth and partnership at Zbooni Dmcc, 2020 -
established Zbooni Academy to help growth of small and micro enterprise through self paced and collaborative learning
Resident of Dubai since 1990, direct situational awareness of impact on language loss amongst Arab and expat youth
Cofounder DXP production with a background in experiential marketing,over 15 years of customer journey creation,
and insights from successes with both local and international brands across the automotive, hospitality, and FMCG industries
Cofounder DXP production with a background
in experiential marketing,over 15 years of customer
journey creation,and insights from successes with both
local and international brands across the automotive,
hospitality, and FMCG industries
Founder Creos Consulting 2012, brand management
for Samsung Mobile, Gargash Mercedes Benz,
Bath and Works
Head of growth and partnership at Zbooni Dmcc,
2020 - established Zbooni Academy to help growth
of small and micro enterprise through self paced
and collaborative learning
Cofounder DXP production with
a background in experiential marketing,over
15 years of customer journey creation,and
insights from successes with both local and
international brands across the automotive,
hospitality, and FMCG industries
Founder Creos Consulting 2012, brand
management for Samsung Mobile, Gargash
Mercedes Benz, Bath and Works
Head of growth and partnership at Zbooni
Dmcc, 2020 - established Zbooni Academy
to help growth of small and micro enterprise
through self paced and collaborative learning